Terminally Incoherent

Utterly random, incoherent and disjointed rants and ramblings...

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Interesting thing about Gorkster ruling

Mark Frauenfelder from boingboing just posted an interesting note about the Gorkster ruling. This was originally posted on Daily Kos by RadicalRuss. If you haven't noticed it yet - the Gorkster ruling is grossly contradictory to the new legislation shielding gun companies from liabilities! The Daily Kloss post has a side by side comparison of both statements.

And here is the gist of it all:

If a company makes a product that is inappropriately used to illegally copy a movie, that company is liable. If a company makes a product that is inappropriately used to illegally kill a human, that company is not liable. What's the common logic holding these disparate concepts together? Massive corporate special interest money. Welcome to your government of the corporations, by the corporations, and for the corporations

This is incredibly sad but true. If you ever needed a proof that our government and judicial system is corrupt, look no further. This really makes me sick...

Now the big question is - if this bill passes, can someone use this in a p2p defense case? Or is it gun only?


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