Terminally Incoherent

Utterly random, incoherent and disjointed rants and ramblings...

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The emails I get....

I found this in my mailbox (I took out all the names and other private info):

Hi, My name is [name removed] and I met Gigi last week at a Halloween party. I was introduced to Gigi by [name removed] and we talked a while. Gigi gave me her phone number and said I should call her. Needless to say my cell phone didn't save the number and now I can not make contact with Gigi. If you could contact Gigi and give her my info I would greatly appreciate it.

[name removed]
tel. [phone removed]
email: [email removed]

Sure buddy! I'll get her on the phone right away. You want me to pass her any other messages while I'm at it? Because, you know - it's not like I don't have this disclaimer right there on the website:

First, and foremost please note that I am not Gigi Edgley! Yes, I know I'm stating the obvious but you would not believe how many people mistaken me for Gigi. So let's get that out in the open at the beggining. Furthermore, I do not know Gigi in person! I do not have any means of communication with her, and I cannot forward her your message.

And even if I personally knew Gigi, do you think I would be passing her messages from any random guy who googled up my website? Geez...

My brother suggested that I send this guy the rejection-line number. I don't know though... Should I be an asshole to this guy?


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