Terminally Incoherent

Utterly random, incoherent and disjointed rants and ramblings...

Friday, December 02, 2005

Dr. Edoh

The other day I met a guy that used to be in all my undergrad Com-Sci classes. He just came back to do his masters here. We suffered through many horrible Edoh classes together. I'm not sure if I ever mentioned the antihokes story here. But yes, that's a classic and Ed can tell it way better than me. Probably because he can do a flawless Edoh impersonation :)

On Thursday I popped into the CS Coffee Hour, and for some reason I ended up telling James that very story. Somehow we ended up googling him up to see if he ever ended up getting another job teaching messing up students at another university.

We ended up finding his hompage on pegasus. Apparently Joe Yun haven't deleted his account yet. Oh well... Note how shitty the website looks. But that's ok. None of our PHD's at MSU has a good looking homepage - and that's perfectly fine. Between research and teaching, I wouldn't expect them to spend that much time beautifying their pages.

Dr. Edoh, however was a clueless teacher, and a clueless web designer. Please take a look at this site. Now take a look at this. Edoh never figured out how to use chmod :P And yes, you can find source for 90% of his programs this way - including samples for assignments.

// Fahrenheit.java Author: Lewis and Loftus
// Demonstrates the use of GUI components.

Comments are for whimps. Edoh apparently didn't bother removing or updating any of them. Or maybe he didn't know how comments worked. I can't tell. He once convinced half of the class that java.util.Vector is 1-indexed instead of 0-indexed like everything else. So you never know...

Here is the password:


Oh, and btw - the applet takes you to this page. Page security == awesomecool!

Yes, this guy used to teach at MSU. I had him for CMPT 183, 184, Data Structures and Discrete Math. I used the class time to do homework for other classes, and catch up on the reading :)


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