Terminally Incoherent

Utterly random, incoherent and disjointed rants and ramblings...

Thursday, December 08, 2005


I just found a totally awesome UML tool for KDE. It is called Umbrello and it is possibly one of the nicest design tools I have seen on linux. I just started using it, and I found it intuitive, and very easy on the eye. And the fact that it is a KDE app really makes it even cooler. I really like when all my applications seamlessly integrate with the windowing system. I also love to be able to fish or sftp from a file open dialog.

I must admit that it did crash once when I was screwing around with it, but that might have been a one time glitch. Somemetimes KDE is temperamental like that.

I keep hearing good things about the violet plugin for eclipse (which is my IDE of choice). It would be very neat to be able to draw class diagrams right from the IDE, but for the life of me I cannot get that dumb plugin working. Eclipse seems to detect it in the Help=>About->Plugins dialog, but nothing else is happening.

Oh well, Umbrello is going to do it for me for now :)


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